
Outcome Delivery Plans

Outcome Delivery Plans set out each government department’s priority outcomes and the department’s strategy for achieving them.

At the 2020 Spending Review the government published provisional priority outcomes for each UK government department. These capture the government’s long-term policy objectives, from maximising employment and improving skills, to achieving net zero by 2050. In areas where closer working between departments would achieve better results, outcomes were agreed on a cross-cutting basis between departments - reflecting the government’s commitment to breaking down silos and enabling stronger collaboration between departments. The government also identified provisional metrics for each outcome, against which progress towards delivering these outcomes will be measured. All provisional outcomes and metrics (pdf, 292KB were published in December 2020.

Since the 2020 Spending Review, these priority outcomes and metrics have been further refined. Outcome Delivery Plans set out each government department’s revised priority outcomes, the department’s strategy for achieving them, and the metrics that will be used to track performance. Priority outcomes and metrics will be refined where appropriate at the next Spending Review later this year.

Outcome Delivery Plans

Each Outcome Delivery Plan sets out how the respective department is working towards the delivery of its priority outcomes. Outcome Delivery Plans place a greater emphasis on joint working between departments, enabling departments to plan together to deliver shared outcomes. Outcome Delivery Plans also set out plans for delivering critical enabling activities that are crucial to the successful delivery of outcomes. These enabling activities include: attracting and investing in great people; embracing new ideas; and strengthening functional expertise to support the delivery of better outcomes.

The plans also set out how departments are working towards becoming more sustainable, and how work contributes to the delivery of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the government’s equality objectives, to ensure we deliver on our sustainability commitments and make the Civil Service the UK’s most inclusive employer.

Outcome Delivery Plans form the basis of the revised government planning and performance framework, building and improving on the previous Single Departmental Plan framework. Find out more about how the system works

Territorial offices

Sustainable Development Goals

The UK is committed to the delivery of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. All government departments are responsible for aspects of the SDGs that relate to their respective policy remits. Departments articulate how they are working towards the SDGs in their Outcome Delivery Plans.

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Published 15 July 2021