
Participation Survey: statistical releases

This series brings together all statistical releases from the Participation Survey.

Participation Survey

You can find out more information about the Participation Survey on the Guidance Page, such as methodology, questionnaires and ad hoc releases.


We are always interested in hearing your views on the Participation survey. The latest publication releases include data to a higher level of granularity, which should aid those looking to conduct more in-depth analysis. Please contact us with any suggestions or feedback by email at

Annual Publications

Quarterly Publications

Updates to this page

Published 15 February 2022
Last updated 26 September 2024 show all updates
  1. The April to June 2024 statistical release has been added to the collection.

  2. The Participation Survey 2023-2024 annual publication and Quarter 4 January to March 2024 publication has been added to the collection.

  3. The October to December 2023 statistical release has been uploaded on 28 March 2024.

  4. DCMS is considering options for the structure of our social surveys in the future, ensuring that meeting user needs and achieving value for money remains at the forefront of any survey design. We invite views from all interested stakeholders in your current use of the Participation Survey and Community Life Survey and your priorities for future design. A link to the consultation has been added to this page.

  5. The July to September 2023 statistical release has been uploaded on 20th December 2023.

  6. Quarter 1 May to June 2023 publication has been added to the collection

  7. The Participation Survey 2022-2023 annual publication and Quarter 4 January to March 2023 publication has been added to the collection.

  8. Quarter 3 October to December 2022 publication has been added to the collection.

  9. Added the link to the July to September 2022 publication.

  10. Addition of link to new document - Participation Survey: April to June 2022 publication, including a link to the Participation Survey Guidance page

  11. Addition of links to new documents - Participation Survey: January to March 2022 publication and Participation Survey 2021–22 annual report, including updating the paragraph of text asking for feedback.

  12. Addition of link to new document - Participation Survey October to December 2021 report, including a paragraph of text asking for feedback.

  13. First published.