Pensioners' Incomes statistics
Annual statistics about pensioners’ incomes
This collection contains estimates of the levels, sources and distribution of pensioners’ incomes.
Changes within the latest release of the Pensioners’ Incomes (PI) statistics
The latest release of the PI statistics was published on 21 March 2024.
Removal of redundant age breakdown from the data tables
The recently reached State Pension age or not recently reached State Pension age breakdown was removed from the data tables in this year’s release. It was removed from the publication last year due to its similarity with another age breakdown. The decision was taken to remove it completely this year.
New tables added to the data tables
Two new tables have been added to the data tables this year. One showing the overall income distribution (previously only components of gross income distributions were provided). The other new table shows the number of pensioner units with income from State Pension and state benefits only. Both additions were requested by users.
Cost of Living Support Schemes
During 2022 to 2023 the Government announced and implemented additional support to families with several cost of living support schemes, depending on peoples’ circumstances. These payments are included within the PI estimates of income for financial year ending 2023.
Find future pensioners’ incomes publication dates in our statistics release calendar and more about our statistics on the Statistics at DWP page.
Email with feedback and queries.
Note, our statistical practice is regulated by the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR).
Data on Stat-Xplore
Pensioners’ Incomes (PI) data is available from financial year ending (FYE) 1995 to FYE 2023 on the Stat-Xplore online tool.
You can use Stat-Xplore to create your own PI analysis. The PI information is available at family (pensioner unit) level.
Read the user guide to PI data on Stat-Xplore.
We are seeking feedback from users on this release of PI. Email with your comments.
Latest release
Release strategy
This release strategy acts as the formal notice of changes to any future releases of the pensioners’ incomes (PI) publication.
The strategy describes the potential release of new statistics within the publication and announces any other developments for future publications.
The PI release strategy is not a static document; it will be updated as plans develop, to provide users with details of latest developments.
Background information and guidance
Access the underlying data used to produce the statistics through the UK data archive. Read guidance on accessing sensitive versions of the data.
Read a guide to sources of data on earnings and income as well as further information on income and earning statistics, both published by the Office for National Statistics.
Previous releases
Find archived pensioners’ income statistics on The National Archives website.
Updates to this page
Published 11 July 2013Last updated 21 March 2024 + show all updates
Latest release of Pensioners’ Incomes Series: financial year 1995 to 2023 has been added to collection.
Added information to the page about changes to the next release of the Pensioners' Incomes statistics The next release will be published on 21 March 2024.
Latest release of Pensioners’ Incomes Series: financial year 2021 to 2022 has been added to collection.
Added a link to Pensioners’ Incomes Series: financial year 2020 to 2021.
Added a link to 'Pensioners’ Incomes Series: financial year 2019 to 2020'.
Added a link to 'Pensioners' incomes series: financial year 2018 to 2019'.
Note added about Pensioners’ Incomes Series data on the Stat-Xplore online tool.
Added a link to 'Pensioners' incomes series: financial year 2016 to 2017'.
Added 'Pensioners' incomes series: financial year 2016/17'.
Added 'Pensioners’ incomes series: financial year 2015/16'.
Published a statistical notice about a change in methodology for the PI report, to take effect for the 2015/16 publication.
Added 'Pensioners’ incomes series: financial year 2014/15'.
Published revision note for Pensioners’ Incomes Series publications for the years 2012/13 and 2013/14.
Published 'Pensioners’ incomes series: financial year 2013/14'.
Published Pensioners' Income Series statistics for 2012 to 2013.
Published next release date for these statistics (1 July 2014).
First published.