
Government revenues from UK oil and gas production

Find the National Statistics of government revenues from UK oil and gas production, an explanation of these statistics and how often they are published.

HMRC publishes the National Statistics of government revenues from UK oil and gas production on a yearly basis.

These statistics give a full historical record of all tax duty types levied on profits from exploration and production operations.

National statistics

Other statistics information


Updates to this page

Published 12 July 2013
Last updated 18 July 2018 show all updates
  1. We have added a consultation on changes to the frequency of published statistics.

  2. small re-organisation of pages

  3. A one-off publication of an additional Table 11.12A, which extends Table 11.12 giving a historical time series of this data back to 1975.

  4. Updated with latest publication pages.

  5. Tables 11.11, 11.12 and 11.13 have been updated with the latest data.

  6. Tables 11.12 and 11.13 have been updated with PRT Assessment data up until June 2014.

  7. First published.