Places for Growth
The role of Places for Growth in relocating Government roles, building Civil Service communities and leading the Plan for London.
About Places for Growth
Places for Growth is a small team in the Cabinet Office that sits within the Office of Government Property.
The Places for Growth programme is working to deliver a Civil Service that is representative of the communities we serve with more Government roles, including senior leaders, being based outside London, joining the many dedicated front line staff already based in towns and cities across the UK. We work closely with Government departments in three key areas, helping them to: relocate roles; build Civil Service communities; and right size the London estate.
Role Relocations
Places for Growth is helping the Civil Service be more representative of the entire UK, across departments, functions and professions. 22,000 Government roles will be relocated from London and half of all UK-based Senior Civil Service roles will be based outside London.
Role relocations will rebalance an historic bias towards London, particularly in policy and the most senior roles, and represent value for money, resulting in savings in estates and salary costs. Relocated roles will predominantly join existing, thriving Civil Service communities in places as wide ranging as Wolverhampton, Belfast and Glasgow. This will provide an economic boost to towns and cities, create new career opportunities for people across the UK and make the Civil Service even more diverse, effective, and representative.
Civil Service Communities
The Places for Growth team supports regional Heads of Place to help build and embed thriving Civil Service communities across the UK. Working collectively with senior leaders across departments in a region or nation, Heads of Place facilitate collaboration on cross cutting issues such as recruitment, outreach and workforce planning. By working on a location-first basis, Heads of Place help to ensure the Civil Service presence across the UK is sustainable and has a positive impact on local communities.
Plan for London
Places for Growth leads on the development of the Plan for London alongside the Government Property Agency. The Plan for London focuses on: rightsizing our estate to match departmental workforce plans to allow for efficiency savings; helping to create workplaces which meet the needs of a modern workforce; and ensuring London remains a vibrant Civil Service location, including career development opportunities across all functions and professions.
Find out more about the Civil Service career opportunities across the UK as a result of Places for Growth:
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Our work supports the Government’s Modernisation and Reform and Levelling Up agendas. Places for Growth reports to the Government Chief Operating Officer and Cabinet Office Permanent Secretary, Alex Chisholm, and the Rt Hon John Glen MP, Minister for the Cabinet Office.
For more information about Places for Growth role relocations, the Plan for London or our work building Civil Service communities please contact: