
Planning circulars

This collection brings together all documents relating to planning circulars.

Planning circulars provide non-statutory advice and guidance on particular issues to expand on subjects referred to in legislation.

They are used to explain policy and regulation more fully. Many circulars are quasi-legislative and include a direction or requirement to take specific action or provide guidance on implementation of aspects of planning policy.


Updates to this page

Published 29 June 2011
Last updated 21 April 2021 show all updates
  1. Added: The Town and Country Planning (Consultation) (England) Direction 2021 Arrangements for handling heritage applications Direction 2021 The Town and Country Planning (Demolition – Description of Buildings) Direction 2021

  2. Added The Conservation Areas Direction 2015 and Arrangements for handling heritage applications Direction 2015.

  3. Added 'The Town and Country Planning (Demolition - Description of Buildings) Direction 2014' and 'Direction to local planning authorities in England to consult the Garden History Society'.

  4. First published.