Planning practice guidance
The National Planning Policy Framework and relevant planning practice guidance.
The National Planning Policy Framework sets out the government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. The most recent published version of this can be accessed at National Planning Policy Framework.
It was originally published in 27 March 2012 and revised in 2018, 2019, 2021, 5 September 2023 and most recently 12 December 2024.
Planning practice guidance categories
We have revised and updated planning practice guidance to make it accessible.
Other planning policies
Updates to this page
Added Biodiversity net gain.
Added Building Safety: Planning enforcement and the Responsible Actors Scheme (the ‘RAS Enforcement PPG’).
Added Fire safety and high-rise residential buildings (from 1 August 2021)
Added: First Homes
Updated guidance on 'Design: process and tools'.
added - Appropriate assessment, Effective use of land, Green Belt, Housing needs of different groups and Housing Supply and delivery
Added Housing for older and disabled people
Updated guidance on 'Neighbourhood planning' and 'Viability'.
Added a link to a user feedback survey
Added new guidance on 'Build to rent' and 'Plan-making'. Updated guidance on 'Housing need assessment', 'Housing and economic land availability assessment', 'Local Plans' and 'Neighbourhood Planning'.
Added 'Housing Delivery Test measurement rule book'.
Added guidance on 'Brownfield land registers' and 'Permission in principle'.
First published.