
Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health

Resources from the Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health programme to help local areas with prevention planning arrangements.

The Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health programme aims to facilitate local and national action around preventing mental health problems and promoting good mental health.

This set of resources is designed to help local areas to put in place effective prevention planning arrangements. They are aimed at health and wellbeing boards, local authorities, clinical commissioning groups, integrated care systems and sustainability and transformation partnerships.

The Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health programme of work is one of the recommendations in the Five Year Forward View for Mental Health, and the Prevention Green Paper: Advancing our health: prevention in the 2020s.

Evidence reviews and prevention planning

Note that Public Health England, which we refer to below, transitioned into the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities in the Department of Health and Social Care on 1 October 2021.

Better Mental Health for All: a public health approach to mental health improvement is a report by the Faculty of Public Health and the Mental Health Foundation. It supports promoting mental wellbeing and the primary prevention of mental illness.

Mental Health and Prevention: taking local action for better mental health 2016 rapid evidence review was produced by the Mental Health Foundation and commissioned by Public Health England. This report sets out the evidence base on how to reduce the growing level of mental health problems.

‘What Good Looks Like for Public Mental Health’ (accessed from the What Good Looks Like publications page from the Association of Directors of Public Health with Public Health England), sets out the guiding principles of ‘what good quality looks like’ for population mental health programmes in local systems.

Case studies

The Bradford District Mental Health Provider Forum case study illustrates how the Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health can be used to support the promotion of better mental health planning and prevention measures during COVID-19.

Return on investment

These resources provide evidence for the cost-effectiveness and return on investment of specific mental health promotion and prevention interventions.

Mental health promotion and mental illness prevention: the economic case is a 2011 report that provides a foundation for understanding the case for investing in the prevention of mental ill health and the promotion of mental health.

The ‘Mental health services: cost-effective commissioning’ resources, including a return on investment tool, complements this report.

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)

Meeting the need: what makes a ‘good’ JSNA for Mental Health? by the Centre for Mental Health is a report that explores how 5 local councils across England went about understanding the mental health needs of their communities and taking action to meet them more effectively.

Mental health JSNA fingertips profile supports health and wellbeing boards and others interested in producing local mental health JSNAs by providing access to metrics on prevalence, risk and protective factors, activity in and quality of support and care provision.

This is complemented by the JSNA toolkit.

Psychosocial pathways

This report provides a conceptual framework focusing on the psychosocial pathways between factors associated with social, economic and environmental conditions, psychological and psychobiological processes, health behaviours and mental and physical health outcomes.


This report is a baseline document written in 2017 summarising how local areas were addressing prevention and promotion of better mental health at this time. The stocktake was undertaken by the King’s Fund on behalf of Public Health England.

Updates to this page

Published 30 August 2017
Last updated 8 February 2023 show all updates
  1. Updated email address to request refreshed COVID-19 resources - changed from to

  2. Added a link to the Bradford District mental health provider forum case study.

  3. First published.