
Renewable Energy Planning Data

Collection bringing together renewable energy planning data.

Renewable Energy Planning Database

We track the progress of new renewable energy projects as they move through the planning system, from inception, to construction and to operation. Each quarter we publish an extract of that database.

Online interactive maps

Please note that this facility has been removed while we update it.

Aviation safeguarding maps

Aviation safeguarding is the process established to ensure that all appropriate measures are taken to secure the safety of aircraft when taking off, landing or flying from an airport.

In order to ensure that an airport’s operation is not impacted by development in the vicinity of the airport, the airport operator is responsible for producing a safeguarding map and providing this to all local planning authorities whose boundaries fall within a 15 km radius of the airport.

The local planning authority will use this safeguarding map to determine the implications of development for the airport. The Ministry of Defence also makes safeguarding data are available.

This content will be updated and made available through GOV.UK.

Domestic wind turbine safeguarded land tool

Permitted development rights apply to the installation of wind turbines on domestic premises across England and Wales, subject to a number of constraints. This planning permission tool will help establish whether or not a proposed wind turbine will be located on safeguarded land.

Renewable statistics

A collection of renewable statistics are available on GOV.UK.

Renewable energy planning database extract

Updates to this page

Published 18 September 2014
Last updated 4 March 2021 show all updates
  1. Renewable energy planning database now published quarterly rather than monthly.

  2. First published.