
Review of electricity market arrangements (REMA)

The purpose of the review of electricity market arrangements is to identify reforms needed to transition to a decarbonised, cost effective and secure electricity system.

The Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA) is the government’s flagship policy to enable a net zero power sector by 2035, subject to security of supply, while ensuring a fair deal for consumers.

Development of the REMA programme

REMA was launched in the British Energy Security Strategy in April 2022, with an initial public consultation published in July 2022. This was followed by a second public consultation in March 2024 - see the REMA Consultations section.

Next steps

We aim to:

  • provide a summary of responses to the second consultation in summer 2024
  • conclude the policy development phase of the programme by mid-2025
  • move into full scale implementation from 2025 onwards
  • for options where the policy development phase has concluded, we will look to implement these changes as soon as we can

Engagement with the REMA programme

We want to gather the most robust evidence and analysis possible, so that we can make well informed policy recommendations. To help achieve this we engage with a wide variety of stakeholder groups through a range of forums, including:

  • internal working groups with delivery partners
  • external expert panels - independent external experts to impartially scrutinise and quality assure REMA policy development and analysis
  • a Strategic Advisory Panel - industry experts offering high level strategic direction for the REMA programme
  • an End User Challenge Panel – with organisations representing end users to provide advice and evidence on REMA policy development

We also hold bilateral meetings and attend events and conferences to provide updates on REMA.

Stakeholder webinars

We will be hosting webinars for stakeholders in February. This is a key opportunity for organisations to hear more about REMA’s policy progression and have a say in the design of Great Britain’s future electricity market. 

To register for a webinar, email

REMA and electricity generation 

Tailored to the interests of electricity investors, generators, and developers. This session will run through: 

  • reformed national pricing options, including network charging, balancing & dispatch, and non-market measures. 
  • a potential zonal pricing model, including network charging, boundaries, trading, and balancing
  • legacy and transitional arrangements, such as zonal pricing and legacy generation, protection methodologies and mechanisms, and AR7 interactions

We will be hosting this webinar twice to give stakeholders a greater opportunity to join:

  • Thursday 6 February, 2pm to 4pm
  • Monday 10 February, 2pm to 4pm

REMA and electricity consumption 

Tailored to the interests of electricity consumers, end users and Energy Intensive Industries. This session will run through: 

  • reformed national pricing options, including network charging, balancing and dispatch, and non-market measures
  • a potential zonal pricing model, including network charging, boundaries, and balancing  
  • consumer shielding options, such as possibilities for EIIs within a zonal market, retail shielding, and what zonal pricing would mean for different end users

We will be hosting this webinar twice to give stakeholders a greater opportunity to join:

  • Friday 7 February, 2pm to 4pm
  • Wednesday 12 February, 10am to 12pm


Contact to be added to our mailing list to hear updates about REMA and events.

REMA consultations

The first REMA consultation (July 2022) set out the case for change, and potential solutions across a wide range of reform options.

The second public consultation (March 2024) narrowed down the number of reform options and sought further stakeholder views on specific proposals and on the short-list of remaining options. It set out a clear direction of travel for how GB electricity market arrangements must evolve in the future.

Updates to this page

Published 18 July 2022
Last updated 3 February 2025 + show all updates
  1. Added details on upcoming stakeholder webinars.

  2. Published REMA autumn update, 2024.

  3. First published.