Tobacco product traceability
Check what you need to do if you manufacture, import, transport, store or sell tobacco products in the UK.
All unit packets of cigarettes and hand rolling tobacco manufactured or imported in the UK must:
- have unique identifiers (UIDs) on the packaging
- have 5 specific security features applied to the packaging if they are manufactured or imported for the UK market
- be scanned at certain points in the supply chain
From May 2024, this will apply to all tobacco products.
If you do not follow the rules set out in this guidance, HMRC may seize the tobacco products.
Manufacturing and importing
Selling and storing
Get IDs for your business and unique identifiers (UIDs) for your products
UK tobacco track and trace
Updates to this page
This collection has been updated with information about UK tobacco track and trace penalties.
This collection has been updated with information about what will happen if you do not follow the rules set out in this guidance.
You can now register with the ID issuer to get IDs for your business and buy UIDs for your tobacco products. New guidance about this has been added.
Guidance has been added about putting unique identifiers (UIDs) on tobacco products, checking if your data storage and anti-tamper device companies are independent from the tobacco industry, and what you need to do if you transport tobacco products.
First published.