
Sovereign Grant Act 2011: report of the Royal Trustees

This collection brings together all documents relating to Sovereign Grant Act 2011: report of the Royal Trustees.

Under Section 5 of the Sovereign Grant Act 2011, the Royal Trustees – the Prime Minister, the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Keeper of the Privy Purse – must report to Parliament to set and explain the level of Sovereign Grant for the following financial year. This Royal Trustees Report announces the amount of the grant. The Annex to the Report provides a statement of how the grant has been calculated, in accordance with Section 6 of the 2011 Act.

The purpose of the Sovereign Grant is to provide resources for use by the Royal Household in support of His Majesty’s Official Duties, including the maintenance of the occupied Royal Palaces, thereby enabling His Majesty to perform His duties as Sovereign.


Updates to this page

Published 5 December 2013
Last updated 19 March 2024 show all updates
  1. Sovereign Grant Act 2011: report of the Royal Trustees on the Sovereign Grant for 2024-25 added

  2. Sovereign Grant Act 2011: report of the Royal Trustees on the Sovereign Grant for 2023-24 added

  3. Updated with: 'Sovereign Grant Act 2011: report of the Royal Trustees on the Sovereign Grant for 2022-23'.

  4. Added: 'Sovereign Grant Act 2011: report of the Royal Trustees on the Sovereign Grant for 2021-22'

  5. Added link to 'Sovereign Grant Act 2011: report of the Royal Trustees on the Sovereign Grant for 2020-21'.

  6. Report for 2016-17 published

  7. Updated to include Sovereign Grant Act 2011: Report of the Royal Trustees on the Sovereign Grant for 2015-16

  8. First published.