
Strategic Environmental Assessments

This series brings together all documents relating to Strategic Environmental Assessments

Environmental reports on the proposed revocation of the regional strategies

It is the government’s policy to revoke existing regional strategies outside London. However, any final decision on this must take account of assessments of, and consultation on, the possible environmental effects of revocation of each of the existing regional strategies.

The government has reviewed the earlier environmental reports on the proposed revocation of the regional strategies and the earlier consultation responses and is undertaking additional consultation. A Written Ministerial Statement made by Baroness Hanham on 25 July 2012 sets out the background and explains why the reports are being updated.

All 8 updated environmental reports have been published - the reports can be found by following the links below. In the coming weeks updated environmental reports relating to the proposals on each of the other regional strategies will be published. In each case there will be an 8 week period for consultation responses. Consultation responses on the updated reports will be considered alongside those already submitted during the earlier response period. Responses are invited on all aspects of the reports and proposal including the supporting appendices.

For more information on the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive, see the guidance document.


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Published 24 April 2013