Student loans for higher and further education
Statistics series providing information on student loan outlays, repayments and borrower activity for students studying in higher education (HE) and further education (FE) in the UK and EU.
In 2023, we made notable improvements to the way in which we provide visual information within this publication series including:
- adding descriptive information of the full time-series for each graph within the main body of the statistics publication.
- providing data used to form each graph in accessible/downloadable tables.
- changing the way in which we present charts and graphs to be more accessible, including changes to colour, labels and legends.
As part of SLC’s ongoing commitment, we will continue to improve the accessibility of our websites and content, whilst maintaining the statistical needs of our users.
Student loans for higher and further education - UK comparisons
Northern Ireland
Updates to this page
Accessibility statement updated
Latest annual edition published
2023 publication added to collection.
Latest edition published
Latest version of Student loans for higher and further education published.
Added UK cross country comparison collection for publication 13/06/2019
First published.