Sub-national statistics
This collection brings together all documents relating to sub-national statistics.
Below are a range of sub-national statistics or tools produced by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS).
Regional and sub-regional job estimates
This section provides sub-national estimates of employee jobs broken down by selected industry sectors and public/private sectors.
Regional economic performance indicators
This publication provides information on a number of socio-economic indicators covering the regions and devolved administrations in the UK. It is complimented by a set of continuously updated tables to report the most current data available.
Assisted areas look-up
BIS assisted area postcode checker can be used to provide an indication of whether a postcode in Great Britain is an assisted area as defined for the 2007 to 2013 assisted area map.
English Business Survey
This section provides results from the English Business Survey as well as background documentation on the survey.
Private sector employment indicator
As part of the department’s business plan to support the government’s agenda to rebalance the economy across sectors and regions, BIS developed an indicator to monitor private sector employment growth in England. This indicator forms part of the performance framework for assessing the impact of the department’s policies and reforms. The indicator shows whether, over time, dependency on the private sector for employment is increasing and how this rebalancing varies by region. Data for the indicator will be published quarterly.
Data are published for England and each English region. To the distortions due to high levels of commuting, changes in the indicator are monitored for 2 regional groups in England:
- London, South East and East
- rest of England (North, Midlands and West)