
Dealing with wrongdoing and harm in charities

Annual reports on the Charity Commission's work to prevent, detect and tackle wrongdoing and harm in charities and promote charity law.

This collection was withdrawn on

Each report is published separately.

Wrongdoing and harm in charities

Wrongdoing and harm in charities are unacceptable. An important part of the Charity Commission’s role as regulator is to prevent, detect and tackle wrongdoing and harm in charities and to promote compliance with charity law.

When the commission gets involved in a charity whose trustees are not complying with charity law, its priority is to safeguard charity assets and take strong remedial action where necessary to stop the problems and get the charity’s management right.

About these reports

Dealing with wrongdoing and harm is our annual report on our work to protect charities and deal with any wrongdoing or abuse. It was previously ‘Tackling abuse and mismanagement’.

The reports explain the commission’s approach to investigations and compliance case work. They give details of the volume and nature of cases dealt with in a given year and include case study examples. The reports also explain where and how the commission’s approach to compliance case work changes.

These reports:

  • help the public understand how the commission tackles and resolves mismanagement in charities
  • allow trustees and their advisers to learn lessons from problems that have arisen in other charities

Each report includes links to relevant guidance for charities. Trustees should use the reports to reflect on, and where necessary, improve their charities’ governance to ensure that serious non-compliance does not occur.

Each report includes a detailed statistical annex which:

  • provides information about the commission’s compliance case work
  • analyses the types of issues that arose in the year
  • sets out the commission’s performance against key performance measures

Current report (Dealing with wrongdoing and harm)

Previous reports (Tackling abuse and mismanagement)

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Published 9 September 2008