
Tax administration and maintenance: Autumn 2021

Consultations, calls for evidence and other documents related to tax policy development and the administration, maintenance and reform of the tax system.

The government published Tax Administration and Maintenance on 30 November 2021, which builds on the government’s 10-year tax administration strategy published in July 2020, and follows on from the command paper Tax policies and consultations, published in Spring 2021.

Command paper

Tax simplification

The government’s 10-year tax administration strategy Building a trusted, modern tax administration system outlines HMRC’s plans to harness technology and digitisation to deliver a tax system that operates closer to real time and makes it easier for businesses and individuals to get their tax right.

The following documents and measures support the continued delivery of this strategy.

Tackling non-compliance

The measures below build on the government’s commitment to tackle non-compliance in the tax system, and further the government’s aim for everyone to pay the tax that is legally due, no matter who they are.

Further tax policy announcements

It is important that the tax system continues to be fit for the modern world, and that the government take forward measures to level the playing field and increase transparency. The policies set out in this section open new consultations on promising areas for potential reform, and set out next steps on reform work already underway.

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Published 30 November 2021