Disguised remuneration tax avoidance schemes
Find out how to recognise disguised remuneration tax avoidance schemes and settle your tax affairs with HMRC.
The government announced a new independent review of the Loan Charge at Autumn Budget 2024.
The terms of reference for the review have now been published by the government.
The review commenced on 23 January 2025 and will be led by the reviewer and his team, independent of government and HMRC.
HMRC has also published an update on operational activity during the review, now the terms of reference have been published.
Disguised remuneration tax avoidance schemes aim to avoid paying Income Tax and National Insurance contributions by paying part or all of your pay as a:
- loan
- salary advance
- grant
- annuity
These payments are claimed to be non-taxable, often without explanation.
Settlement terms
The 2020 settlement terms allow you to settle your use of a disguised remuneration scheme.
Issue briefing
Find out more on how to settle your tax affairs, and how to report and pay the disguised remuneration loan charge.
Identifying tax avoidance schemes
You can also find out more information in tax avoidance — don’t get caught out and tax avoidance schemes currently in the spotlight.
Changes to the loan charge
Updates to this page
Page updated to reflect the recent publication by the government of the terms of reference for the new independent review of the Loan Charge.
Page updated to reflect government's announcement that there will be a further independent review of the loan charge.
Disguised remuneration: tax avoidance by selling future business revenues to a revenue service trust (Spotlight 57) added to the collection.
The guidance 'Apply for a refund or waiver from the Disguised Remuneration Loan Charge Scheme 2020' has been added to the page.
First published.