
The future of jobs and skills

Research and analysis on the future of UK jobs, skills, and labour markets.

This collection draws together research and analysis by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES) on the future of the UK labour market, jobs and skills.

Labour market projections

Foresight reports

Data tables (Working Futures 2014 to 2024)

Workbooks are available from this collection at varying levels of sectoral detail – currently for the UK and England.

Workbooks for each of the devolved nations, as well as the nine English regions will be available in early May. Each workbook contains analysis of projected employment and replacement demand by occupation and qualification level.

Data tables (Working Futures 2012 to 2022)

Updates to this page

Published 11 April 2014
Last updated 13 April 2016 show all updates
  1. Added group and collection documents to "Data tables (Working Futures 2014 to 2024)".

  2. Added report "Working Future 2014-2024" to collection.

  3. First published.