
Tree pests and diseases

Identify, report, prevent and minimise the introduction, spread and impacts of tree pests and diseases in the UK.

There are many things you can do to prevent or minimise the introduction, establishment, spread and impacts of tree pests and diseases, including:

  • recognising and reporting pests and diseases of concern
  • adopting good biosecurity practice to avoid the spread of organisms
  • not bringing soil or plants back from holidays abroad

Understand the threat to our trees

The damage to our trees, woods and forests from insects, pests, and organisms such as bacteria and fungi is significant. The rapid increase in movements of goods and people between countries has increased the risk of spreading pests and diseases. They can travel hidden in:

  • plants and plant products
  • packaging
  • wood
  • vehicles
  • holidaymakers’ luggage
  • soil carried on shoes

Some of these pests and diseases do little harm in their native environments, where predators, environmental factors and co-evolution with their host plants keep them in check. But they can cause significant damage to trees and plants in other countries where those limiting factors are not present.

Some species of insect, fungus or bacterium can damage or kill dozens of different plant species, including trees. This can cause economic losses for the forestry, timber and plant-based industries. They can disrupt other sectors, such as tourism, and threaten woodland biodiversity, ecosystems and native species.

Contact us and further resources

Get in touch about tree, woodland and forest health in England by contacting the tree health team.

Find more information on scientific research into tree pests and diseases.

Get notifications about tree pests and diseases:

Identify a tree pest or disease

You can search a tree species to see what pests and diseases affect it.

Report a notifiable tree pest or disease

Notifiable tree pests and diseases can cause the most damage to our trees, woods and forests. Find out which ones must be reported.

How to manage a tree pest or disease

Find out what you can do to help prevent or minimise the spread and impacts of tree pests and diseases.

Funding and support for restoring woodland

See what tree health grants are available to restore or improve woodland trees.

Updates to this page

Published 26 September 2018
Last updated 17 January 2025 show all updates
  1. Added a section on tree health funding.

  2. Information on Plant Health legislation for forestry has been added to this page.

  3. First published.