
Tree planting and woodland creation case studies

Read real stories of successful tree planting and woodland creation projects from across England.

We recently categorised these case studies by region. If you think a different category would be better, such as land type or grant, let us know. Email us your feedback.

Yorkshire and North East

North West and West Midlands

East and East Midlands

South West

South East and London


Updates to this page

Published 16 January 2023
Last updated 6 March 2025 + show all updates
  1. Added 'Managing woodlands with community groups in the National Forest'.

  2. Added Expanding More Trees community nursery to grow, improve and diversify tree stock.

  3. Added case studies for Newhouse Farm, Whitewoods, and Yeomadon Farm. Case studies were also categorised by region.

  4. Added High Meadows Farm and Cabilla Manor Farm.

  5. Added Forestart case study.

  6. Added Birkholme Farms, Lincolnshire.

  7. Addition of Heathpatch Farm case study.

  8. Addition of Buckle Wood case study.

  9. Added the: Woodland Restoration Case Study High Speed 2 Woodland Fund.

  10. Addition of Swain's Wood - Staffordshire case study.

  11. Addition of: Woodland Carbon Guarantee: Reasons behind applying on a 3 and 6 hectare site.

  12. Addition of Helping local authorities respond to the biodiversity emergency case study.

  13. First published.