
UK local authority and regional greenhouse gas emissions statistics

UK local authority and regional estimates of greenhouse gas emissions.

These statistics provide the most reliable and consistent breakdown of greenhouse gas emissions across the country, using nationally available data sets going back to 2005. They cover territorial emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), although not fluorinated gases, which are also included in the UK territorial greenhouse gas emissions statistics. Prior to the 2005 to 2020 publication the statistics covered emissions of carbon dioxide only.

These estimates are to help those working on local or regional indicators and inventories as part of their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. On their own, however, they cannot give all the information necessary to plan and monitor the progress of all local emissions reduction initiatives, this may require additional monitoring at the local level.

You can access past editions of the statistics via The National Archives.

Please check our guidance notes or email if you have any questions or comments about the information on this page.

Greenhouse gas emissions

These cover territorial emissions of CO2, CH4 and N2O.

Carbon dioxide emissions

Prior to the 2005 to 2020 publication the statistics covered emissions of CO2 only.

Updates to this page

Published 30 June 2022
Last updated 27 June 2024 show all updates
  1. Added UK local authority and regional greenhouse gas emissions statistics, 2005 to 2022.

  2. Added UK local authority and regional greenhouse gas emissions national statistics, 2005 to 2021.

  3. First published.