
UK trade in goods by business characteristics

UK trade in goods by business characteristics data details international trade in goods by industry group, business size, and business age

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has linked the UK overseas trade in goods statistics (OTS) with business statistics from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Inter-Departmental Business Register (IDBR). This provides statistics on the attributes of UK businesses with overseas trade in goods. Attributes are by industry group, business size, and business age. Within each of these categories, the focus is on trade value, business counts, and employee counts.

This is a collection of all UK trade in goods statistics by business characteristics on GOV.UK. These are official statistics. Releases prior to the 2023 release were ‘official statistics in development’, previously called ‘experimental statistics’. Information on types of official statistics is available on the UK Statistics Authority website.

Current releases

UK trade in goods by business characteristics archive

Local sites and numbers of employees archive

Updates to this page

Published 27 November 2014
Last updated 27 November 2024 + show all updates
  1. HM Revenue & Customs have today released the UK trade in goods by business characteristics 2023 statistics.

  2. HM Revenue & Customs have today published Local sites and numbers of employees linked to businesses involved in international trade in goods, by subnational areas of the UK 2022.

  3. HM Revenue & Customs have today released the UK trade in goods by business characteristics 2022 statistics.

  4. HMRC have today released the Local sites and numbers of employees linked to businesses involved in international trade in goods, by subnational areas of the UK 2021

  5. HM Revenue & Customs have today released the statistics for Local sites and numbers of employees linked to businesses involved in international trade in goods, by subnational areas of the UK 2020.

  6. HM Revenue & Customs have today released the UK trade in goods by business characteristics 2021 statistics.

  7. Page updated to include information about current HM Revenue & Customs public consultation on our statistical publications.

  8. HMRC have today released the Local sites and numbers of employees linked to businesses involved in international trade in goods, by subnational areas of the UK 2019.

  9. HM Revenue & Customs have today released the UK trade in goods by business characteristics 2020 statistics.

  10. HM Revenue & Customs have today released the UK trade in goods by business characteristics 2019 statistics

  11. HM Revenue & Customs have today released the UK trade in goods by business characteristics 2018 statistics.

  12. HM Revenue & Customs have today released the UK trade in goods by business characteristics 2017 official statistics.

  13. HM Revenue & Customs have today released the UK trade in goods by business characteristics 2016 official statistics.

  14. HM Revenue & Customs have today released the UK trade in goods by business characteristics 2015 official statistics.

  15. The UK trade in goods by business characteristics 2014 have been released today

  16. First published.