
Police use of TASER ® X26 conducted energy devices statistics

Statistics on the Police use of TASER ® X26 conducted energy devices across England and Wales.

From April 2017, conducted energy devices (CED) data has been collected on a financial year basis (April to March), for inclusion in the ‘Police use of force statistics’ collection.

Statistics on police use of TASER ® X26 conducted energy devices in the 43 Home Office funded police forces in England and Wales.

It covers information on the number of TASER ® X26 conducted energy devices uses i.e. drawn, aimed, arced, red-dot, drive stun, angled drive stun and fired.

TASER is a registered Trade Mark of TASER International, Inc. and, accordingly, the word ‘Taser’ should not be used as a verb or a noun, or as a descriptive or generic term.

Only TASER ® X26 conducted energy devices manufactured by TASER International, Inc. are currently authorised for use by police forces in England and Wales.

Any references to ‘taser’ or ‘Taser’ devices in previous Home Office publications are to the TASER ® X26 conducted energy devices manufactured by TASER International, Inc.

Statistics on the ‘Police use of Taser’ were prepared and published previously by Home Office policy officials. In 2015 responsibility for the collection and publication of the statistics was transferred to Home Office statisticians who now prepare and publish the statistical releases.



Updates to this page

Published 10 September 2013
Last updated 13 December 2018 show all updates
  1. Added link to 'Police use of force statistics' collection.

  2. Added 'Police use of TASER ® X26 conducted energy devices statistics, England and Wales, 1 January to 31 December 2016', updated 'Police use of TASER ® X26 conducted energy devices statistics, England and Wales: user guide' and updated accompanying information.

  3. Added 'Police use of Taser statistics, England and Wales: 1 January to 31 December 2015', 'Police use of Taser statistics, England and Wales: 1 January to 31 December 2015:data tables' and 'User guide to police use of Taser statistics'.

  4. Added 'Police use of Taser statistics, England and Wales: 1 January to 31 December 2014', 'Police use of Taser statistics, England and Wales: 1 January to 31 December 2014: data tables' and "Police' to the start of the collection title.

  5. Added 'Police use of taser statistics, England and Wales: January to June 2014' and 'Police use of taser statistics, England and Wales: January to June 2014: data tables'.

  6. Added 'Police use of taser statistics, England and Wales, 2012 to 2013'.

  7. First published.