
Vehicle safety standards information sheets

Guidance on the required standards for vehicle safety, construction and use.

Information sheets providing general guidance and advice on the legislative requirements in the UK for vehicle safety standards.

Information sheets

Updates to this page

Published 5 March 2015
Last updated 9 October 2023 show all updates
  1. Added 'Supply or distribute vehicle tyres: labelling rules' to the document collection

  2. Added 'Non-road mobile machinery: rules on type approval and engine markings' to the document collection.

  3. Added 'Selling small trailers' to the document collection.

  4. Added Certificate of Conformity for new vehicles.

  5. Retractable or foldable aerodynamic rear devices on heavy goods vehicles added.

  6. Added Coronavirus (COVID-19): safety screens for taxis and PHVs guidance.

  7. 'Maximum length of vehicles used in Great Britain' information sheet published

  8. Vehicle safety standards information sheet for cars and vans towing trailers.

  9. New information sheet on powered transporters.

  10. Prototype vehicles information sheet updated.

  11. First published.