
Waste management: smart tracking of waste (GovTech Catalyst)

Setting out the progress being made on the GovTech waste tracking challenge, to build the UK's first comprehensive digital waste tracking system.

The governments and regulators across England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, are looking at how we can digitise waste tracking processes. In particular, how we record what happens to waste as it moves from production to recovery or disposal.

GovTech Catalyst is a £20 million fund to help tech firms deliver innovative solutions to public sector challenges. It encourages small, emerging technology businesses to create and develop innovative solutions to public services, that once proven can move to scale both to the advantage of markets and society.

Blog posts

Read our blogs:

GovTech Smart Waste Tracking Challenge - Phase 2

The 2 winning projects that have successfully moved to Phase 2 are being managed by:

You can read more about the winning projects in the press release ‘£1 million boost for UK smart waste industry’.

Industry wide involvement

Businesses and organisations can get involved in user research and testing throughout the product development stages. Register at:

You can keep up to date with developments on the projects by signing up to receive regular challenge updates. Sign up at:

GovTech Smart Waste Tracking Challenge - Phase 1

The 5 winning projects are being managed by:

You can read more about the winning projects in the press release ‘Smart tracking of waste across the UK: GovTech Catalyst competition winners announced’.

News stories

Updates to this page

Published 19 July 2019
Last updated 28 October 2019 show all updates
  1. Updated with phase 2 information.

  2. Added a link to the blog post: Digital Revolution: transforming waste management in the UK

  3. First published.