Statistics: widening participation in higher education
Annual statistics on young people's participation in higher education, including their background characteristics.
Updates to this page
Added 'Widening participation in higher education: 2024'.
'Widening participation in higher education: 2023' was added.
Added 'Widening participation in higher education: 2022'.
Added 'Widening participation in higher education: 2021'.
Added 'Widening participation in higher education: 2020'. Updated collection to note that from 30 July 2020, the DfE will be publishing the Widening participation in higher education releases on a new statistics site, Explore Education Statistics (EES).
Removed content from the details section and rewrote the summary.
Added Widening participation in higher education: 2019.
Added text explaining that publication of Widening participation in higher education: 2019 is being delayed until December while we explore whether a new measure can be incorporated into the release.
Added 'Widening participation in higher education: 2018'.
Added 'Widening participation in higher education: 2017'.
Added 'Widening participation in higher education: 2016' to the collection.
Widening participation in higher education 2015 added.
Added 'Widening participation in higher education 2014'
First published.