NDA: working with our communities
The NDA believes that decommissioning activities should benefit local communities living near its sites and that we must provide a positive legacy once our work is completed.
NDA local social and economic impact strategy
This strategy outlines our current approach to socio-economics and includes a consolidated view of various improvements and amendments that have been made over the last few years.
How to apply for grant funding
To apply for funding please use this application form.
Or follow the links to the relevant business page:
Low Level Waste Repository Ltd
We have developed an internal guidance document to ensure that people who administer NDA socio-economic funding follow a common, rigorous and evidence-based approach to managing, measuring and reporting on our activity and outcomes.
How the grant budgets are spent
Our annual spend reports provide a brief overview of how the money is spent.
The social impact and socio-economic work of our businesses
For more detail on the social impact and socio-economic work of our businesses see below:
This notice sets out how we will use your personal data, and your rights. It is made under the Data Protection Act 2018, section 36(1).