A maximum stake limit for online slots games in Great Britain
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Following the public consultation, which ran from 26 July to 4 October 2023, and analysis of the responses to the consultation, the government will introduce a statutory maximum stake limit of £5 per spin for adults aged 25 and over. We will also introduce a statutory maximum stake limit of £2 per spin for young adults aged 18 to 24, who the evidence suggests are associated with higher rates of gambling-related harm and may have a greater risk tolerance compared to other age groups. We believe these limits will achieve the government’s stated objectives of reducing the risk of gambling-related harm, with a lower risk of unintended consequences and less disruption to the majority of gamblers who do not suffer harm.
Detail of feedback received
We received 98 responses to the consultation, including 46 individual respondents and 52 from organisations. Two organisations submitted 2 responses each so these have been combined and treated as one response. Organisations who responded included 1 from academic institutions; 12 from local authorities / licensing boards; 21 from gambling industry companies and their representatives; 11 from charities, campaign groups and treatment providers; 2 from parliamentary groups; and 3 from organisations who did not specify the nature of their organisation. Individual responses included 6 individuals working in gambling or gambling regulation and 3 academics or researchers. We are grateful to all those who responded to the consultation.
Original consultation
Consultation description
Following the review of the Gambling Act 2005, the gambling white paper published in April 2023 set out the government’s plans for modernising the regulation of the gambling sector.
One of the key proposals in the white paper was the introduction of a maximum stake limit for online slots games. This aligns with one of the Review’s overarching objectives, of ensuring an equitable approach to the regulation of remote and land-based gambling, and responds to the evidence of specific risks associated with the availability of high stakes play on online slots games.
The government is consulting on a stake limit of between £2 and £15 per spin and slot-specific measures to give greater protections for 18 to 24-year-olds who the evidence suggests may be a particularly vulnerable cohort. We are also seeking views on details to support the effective implementation of the policy, including the meaning of ‘online slots games’, ‘maximum stake’ and ‘spin/game cycle’.
The purpose of this consultation is to ensure that the government is able to consider the best available evidence, including on the impact of each option when finalising policy decisions.
The consultation will be open for 10 weeks, closing at 11:55pm on 4 October 2023. We encourage all those with views or evidence on the options above to make submissions via the online survey by that point.
Following the closure of the consultation, the government will publish a formal response to set out our decision and reasoning before implementing the changes.
Correction note: In Chapter 5 of the original consultation document, it was mistakenly reported that according to the Public Health England Gambling-related harms evidence review, problem gambling rates are highest in the 16 to 24 age group (at 1.5%). 1.5% is the problem gambling rate for men in that age group, rather than all respondents. The rate for all respondents in the 16 to 24 group is 0.8%. The problem gambling rate in the 16 to 24 age group according to the Health Survey England 2018 is 1.0%, which was the highest of any age group. This has been corrected in Chapter 5. The consultation deadline has been extended by 2 weeks to give respondents time to consider the correction and respond on this basis. The consultation will now close at 11:55pm on 4 October 2023. If you have already submitted a response and wish to re-submit, please email gamblingactreview@dcms.gov.uk.
Updates to this page
Added the government response to consultation on proposals for the introduction of a maximum stake limit for online slots games in Great Britain.
Updated timings to reflect consultation has been extended by 2 weeks. The following correction has been made: In Chapter 5 of the original consultation document, it was mistakenly reported that according to the Public Health England Gambling-related harms evidence review, problem gambling rates are highest in the 16 to 24 age group (at 1.5%). 1.5% is the problem gambling rate for men in that age group, rather than all respondents. The rate for all respondents in the 16 to 24 group is 0.8%. The problem gambling rate in the 16 to 24 age group according to the Health Survey England 2018 is 1.0%, which was the highest of any age group. This has been corrected in Chapter 5. The consultation deadline has been extended by 2 weeks to give respondents time to consider the correction and respond on this basis. The consultation will now close at 11:55pm on 4 October 2023. If you have already submitted a response and wish to re-submit, please email gamblingactreview@dcms.gov.uk.
First published.