A new deal for social housing
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
This document provides a summary of the responses received and the government’s response to the points raised in the consultation on the social housing green paper and call for evidence on social housing regulation.
This is published alongside the charter for social housing residents: social housing white paper, which confirms the actions we will take across government as a result of this consultation to deliver a better deal for social housing residents.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The social housing green paper proposes fundamental reform to ensure social homes provide an essential, safe, well managed service for all those who need it.
We will consider how we can re-balance the relationship between residents and landlords to ensure issues are resolved swiftly and residents’ voices are heard.
To support this vision there is a powerful case to be made for strengthening the regulatory framework so that it not only focuses on the governance and financial viability of housing associations, but also on how residents are treated and the level of services they should expect. We are also publishing a call for evidence which seeks information on how the regulatory framework is operating. This is the first step to a full review of regulation to make sure it is fit for the future.
We will address the stigma that for too long has been associated with social housing and on which residents all around the country have voiced their concern. We will ensure social housing residents are recognised for their valuable contribution to society.
We want social housing to support people to get on in life, making it more likely, not less likely, that they will go on to buy their own home, as well as providing essential, good quality and well run homes for those who need them most.
We are also consulting on options to change the rules governing the money raised from Right to Buy sales to make it easier for councils to build more homes.