Consultation outcome

A review of Ofgem

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
This consultation has concluded

Read the full outcome

Ofgem Review: call for evidence - a Government response

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Detail of outcome

Original consultation


The Ofgem Review Call for Evidence closed on 24 September 2010. The conclusions of the review are expected to be published in spring 2011. …

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

The Ofgem Review Call for Evidence closed on 24 September 2010. The conclusions of the review are expected to be published in spring 2011.

The purpose of this call for evidence was to:

  • inform stakeholders of the proposed terms of the review
  • invite views on the proposed terms, providing an early opportunity for stakeholders to inform the issues considered
  • ensure the review takes a full range of perspectives into account.

A government response was published on 16 December 2010 and included a summary of responses. We are also publishing all of the non-confidential responses in full on the DECC website. Please find these documents below.

Contact us

Tel: 0300 068 6077 Email: Post: Jacqui Russell

Department of Energy & Climate Change

4th floor Area C, 3 Whitehall Place



Further information is available on the regulation of GB energy markets.

Post-consultation documents

Ofgem Review: Call for Evidence - A Government Response

Ofgem review: individual responses to consultation A-D

Ofgem review: individual responses to consultation E-F

Ofgem review: individual responses to consultation G-I

Ofgem review: individual responses to consultation M-S

Ofgem review: individual responses to consultation T-W

Consultation documents

Ofgem Review: a call for evidence document


Ofgem Review: a call for evidence document

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Ofgem review: individual responses to consultation A-D

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Ofgem Review: individual responses to consultation E-F

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Ofgem review: individual responses to consultation G-I

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Ofgem review: individual responses to consultation M-S

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Ofgem review: individual responses to consultation T-W

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Published 27 July 2010

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