Addition of quadruple test to Edwards' syndrome screening pathway
Detail of outcome
Based on the evidence presented and the 10 consultation responses, the UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) has endorsed the recommendation to add the quadruple screening test to the antenatal screening pathway for Edwards’ syndrome (Trisomy 18 or T18) for women who miss, or do not complete, the first trimester combined test.
The committee was satisfied that the evidence from the rapid review demonstrated that the quadruple test is accurate enough to be added to the antenatal screening pathway for Edwards’ syndrome but not to the pathway for Patau’s syndrome.
See minutes of the UK NSC March 2024 meeting.
See UK NSC recommendations on screening for Edwards’ syndrome and Patau’s syndrome.
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
The consultation received a total of 10 responses, which were from:
- Society of Radiographers
- Antenatal Screening Wales, Public Health Wales
- Illumina
- Genetic Alliance on behalf of Genetic Alliance, SOFT UK and Antenatal Results and Choices (ARC)
- The Royal College of Midwives
- a professor of preventative medicine
- an antenatal and newborn specialist screening midwife
- an antenatal and newborn screening co-ordinator on behalf of an antenatal and newborn screening team
- 2 antenatal and newborn screening co-ordinators
All the antenatal and newborn screening co-ordinators and midwives who responded stated they were supportive of the introduction of the quadruple test to the Edwards’ syndrome screening pathway. Reasons cited included that this would enable early diagnosis, support women’s choice, and enable equitable screening.
The Society of Radiographers was also supportive of the change. The Society’s response included the suggestion for additional training to explain the rationale for the quadruple test being included in the Down’s syndrome and Edwards’ syndrome screening pathways, but not Patau’s syndrome.
None of the responses opposed the recommendation for the programme modification.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The UK NSC consulted on a rapid review of modelled data conducted by NHS England. This data suggested that the quadruple screening test, which is offered to pregnant women who miss the first trimester combined screening test, should be used to screen for Edwards’ syndrome in addition to Down’s syndrome.
We therefore asked stakeholders and the public read the consultation document below to provide feedback on the following question:
Does the evidence from this rapid review demonstrate that the quadruple test is accurate enough to be added to the antenatal screening pathway for Edwards’ syndrome (Trisomy 18)?
Updates to this page
Published 21 February 2024Last updated 19 February 2025 + show all updates
Addition of 2021 evidence review document to publication that had been omitted in error.
Outcome of consultation published
First published.