Adult social work: knowledge and skills
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The Chief Social Worker has now published the definitive statement of knowledge and skills for social work in adult services alongside the government response.
The government response and final statement takes in to consideration the 102 responses received as part of the formal consultation. The response aims to provide: firstly, a summary of overarching messages and key themes identified from the consultation; and secondly, an overview of general issues and trends identified in each of the 3 consultation questions.
Original consultation
Consultation description
We are asking for views on what social workers who work with adults need to know and be able to do at the end of their first year in practice.
We also want to know if you think the statement will help inform national minimum assessment criteria for social workers in adult services.
The draft statement has been put together by the Chief Social Worker for Adults, following Professor Croisdale-Appleby’s review of education of social workers with adults.
Updates to this page
Published 10 October 2014Last updated 12 March 2015 + show all updates
Updated to add government response to the consultation on Knowledge and Skills Statement for Social Workers in Adult Services and the definitive Knowledge and Skills Statement for Social Workers in Adult Services.
First published.