Consultation outcome

Alcohol structures

This consultation has concluded

Read the full outcome

Detail of outcome

This document summarises responses to the alcohol structures consultation on the introduction of a new still cider band to target cheap, high strength “white” ciders, below 7.5% abv and the impacts of a new lower strength still wine band. The document also provides a summary of the government response and the proposed next steps in this process.

Original consultation


Seeking views on options to amend the structure of the alcohol duty system so that duty rates better correspond to alcoholic strength.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

The government announced at Spring Budget 2017 that it will consult on options so that duty rates better correspond to alcoholic strength, namely:

  • the introduction of a new band to target cheap, high strength ‘white’ ciders, below 7.5% abv
  • the impacts of a new lower strength still wine band, to encourage the production and consumption of lower strength wines


Published 20 March 2017
Last updated 1 December 2017 + show all updates
  1. Updated with the response to the consultation

  2. First published.