Consultation outcome

Allowing local authorities to sell electricity from renewables

This was published under the 2007 to 2010 Brown Labour government
This consultation has concluded

Read the full outcome

Government response to consultation on local authority power to sell electricity from renewables

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Detail of outcome

Original consultation


This consultation asked interested stakeholders to consider the merits of allowing local authorities from across the UK to sell electricity …

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

This consultation asked interested stakeholders to consider the merits of allowing local authorities from across the UK to sell electricity generated by renewable sources. It also looked at some of the issues local authorities would need to consider if they wanted to take advantage of any change in the provision. The consultation was jointly conducted by DECC and the Welsh Assembly Government.

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The Government is keen to see local authorities play a full part in the development of renewable heat and electricity. As part of their role in addressing the challenges of climate change and meeting their commitments to sustainability, some local authorities are now starting to consider developing renewable generation projects.

Allowing local authorities to sell electricity generated by them from renewable sources would encourage the development of local renewable electricity projects by those local authorities that are well-placed to undertake such projects either on their own or in partnerships.

Under the existing regulatory regime, they are not allowed to sell the electricity generated from, for example, a local authority owned wind farm. Consequently a commitment was made in Heat and Energy Savings Strategy consultation document published on 12 February 2009 to consult on whether and how to change the restriction.

This consultation asks interested stakeholders to consider the merits of a change to this situation by allowing local authorities from across Great Britain to sell electricity generated by renewable sources. It also looks at some of the issues that local authorities will need to consider if they want to take advantage of any change in the provision. Any changes will be made through secondary legislation - by DECC in respect of England and Scotland and by the Welsh Ministers in respect of Wales.

This consultation was jointly conducted by DECC and the Welsh Assembly Government.

Consultation documents

Allowing local authorities to sell electricity: consultation on making regulations under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 and the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 Size: [83 KB]

Government response: Consultation on local authority power to sell electricity from renewables Size: [63 KB]


Allowing local authorities to sell electricity: consultation on making regulations under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 and the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973

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Government response: Consultation on local authority power to sell electricity from renewables

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Published 2 March 2010

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