Alternative dispute resolution for consumers
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Detail of outcome
The response outlines our proposals on:
- how we can make sure alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is widely available (as a cheaper and quicker alternative to the courts for disputes which a business is unable to resolve directly with a consumer)
- how consumers can be signposted to an appropriate ADR supplier
- how ADR suppliers will be certified and monitored
Better ADR and easier access to it will give consumers greater protection and more confidence in resolving any problems with their purchases. It will be good for all businesses that are committed to giving their customers the best possible service.
Original consultation
Consultation description
We want to know your views on our proposals for applying the requirements of the European Directive on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) (2013/11/EU) and the Regulation on Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) (524/2013) into UK law.
The new requirements aim to give European consumers greater access to redress, outside of court, should something go wrong with their bought goods or services.
We’re also seeking views on a broader reorganisation of consumer ADR.
This consultation is relevant to:
- UK consumers
- all businesses selling to UK consumers
- bodies who provide ADR for consumer disputes