Amending the Civil Procedure Rules to establish environmental review
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
We received responses to this consultation from 9 organisations, including NGOs and legal associations, which collectively represent large memberships with a broad range of expertise.
We are working with the Civil Procedure Rules Committee (CPRC) and developing proposed amendments to the Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) to establish environmental review in light of these responses. The CPRC has statutory responsibility to approve final amendments to the CPR.
Detail of feedback received
We received 9 responses to this consultation.
To enable us publish a more detailed government response and provide some indication of the proposals we intend to make to the Civil Procedure Rules Committee, we are delaying the publication of the summary responses and government response for a short time. We plan to publish this information in early 2022.
Original consultation
Consultation description
We are seeking views from stakeholders and interested parties on the provision which should be made in the CPR to important matters of procedure for environmental review. Environmental review will be the bespoke litigation mechanism for the Office for Environmental Protection (OEP) and is provided for in the Environment Bill currently before Parliament.
We want to know what you think about several key areas where the Environment Bill does not provide a guide to the procedural approach which should be taken and the general approach to amending the rules.
Updates to this page
We've amended the summary of responses and government response to highlight that we received an additional response from the Institute for Environmental Management and Assessment after the consultation period ended.
Added the summary of responses and government response.
Added a note to the 'Detail of feedback received' section to explain the summary of responses will be published in early 2022.
First published.