Consultation outcome

Amendment to infant milk legislation

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Applies to England

This consultation has concluded

Detail of outcome

The regulation has been amended and is applicable from 28 February 2014. From this date businesses can formulate products in-line with the revised criteria. A copy of the regulation can be found on

Feedback received

Detail of feedback received

There were 8 responses to the consultation from consumer organisations; health organisations; healthcare professionals; industry and private individuals.

No objections were received on the draft Statutory Instrument or analysis of the costs and benefits, however responses focused on:

  • the importance that any new goats’ milk-based formula milks are labelled and marketed in accordance with the legislation
  • concerns that parents and carers might incorrectly believe that goats’ milk-based formula milks are suitable for infants diagnosed with an allergy to cows’ milk protein

The amending Regulation will be laid in due course.

Original consultation


Asks for views on draft regulation that will amend the Infant Formula and Follow-on Formula (England) Regulations 2007

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

We are seeking views on proposals to amend the Infant Formula and Follow-on Formula (England) Regulations 2007 (as amended). The proposals will put into place EU rule changes that:

  • allow the use of goats’ milk protein in the manufacturer of formula milks

  • lower the minimum protein levels allowed in follow-on formula made from protein hydrolysates, to bring it in line with that for infant formula


Annex A: draft statutory instrument

Published 15 November 2013
Last updated 16 January 2014 + show all updates
  1. Updated to add final outcome.

  2. Added a summary of the responses to the consultation

  3. First published.