Appraisal of Sustainability Scoping and Habitats Regulations Assessment Methodology Reports for Geological Disposal National Policy Statement
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
In August 2015, the Government undertook a technical consultation on the scope of the Appraisal of Sustainability and approach to the Habitats Regulations Assessment of the Government’s (to be developed) draft National Policy Statement on geological disposal facility infrastructure.
The consultation closed on 25 September. 15 responses were received in total and Schedules have been published summarising consultation responses. The Government response updates the technical documents in the light of consultation responses.
A public consultation on the draft National Policy Statement, including a full Appraisal of Sustainability and Habitats Regulation Assessment, is anticipated to take place in spring 2016.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This is a technical consultation, which seeks the input of statutory and relevant technical experts on the scope of the Appraisal of Sustainability and approach to the Habitats Regulations Assessment of the Government’s (to be developed) draft National Policy Statement on geological disposal facility infrastructure.
In the interests of openness and transparency, these two reports are being made available online. Interested organisations and members of the public are welcome to respond to the technical questions during the consultation period, should they wish to do so.
DECC will carry out a full public consultation on the draft National Policy Statement in 2016.