Arrangements for the assessment and awarding of vocational, technical and other general qualifications: 2021 to 2022
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Following this consultation, the Department for Education (the Department) has confirmed its’ policy position that exams and other assessments should go ahead in academic year 2021 to 2022. It has also confirmed the permitted scope of adaptations for vocational and technical qualifications included in performance tables, Functional Skills Qualifications and T Levels.
Ofqual will therefore withdraw the Category B qualification classification in the Vocational and technical qualifications contingency regulatory framework (VCRF) from 1 September 2021 so that all qualifications will be awarded based on evidence from exams and other assessments. Results for exams and other assessments taken after 1 September 2021 will not be based on Teacher Assessed Grades (TAGs) for qualifications which previously fell into Category B. Awarding organisations will however be permitted to make adaptations to their assessments and qualifications to assist in mitigating the ongoing impact of the pandemic.
Ofqual will also implement the minor changes to the drafting of the VCRF to reflect the context of 2021 to 2022 and the change to arrangements for appeals.
The Department and Ofqual will also work together to consider any contingency arrangements, beyond the permitted adaptations set out in the consultation document, which may be necessary in the event of any potential worsening public health situation that results in significant disruption to student’s ability to take their exams and assessments. We aim to communicate these contingency plans as soon as possible in the autumn term.
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
We received 259 responses to our consultation. 256 respondents completed the survey online – these are recorded in the figures shown against each question. We also received 3 free text responses. These are not included in the quantitative data we provide, but relevant comments have been considered as part of the appropriate question analysis. We list the organisations that responded to the consultation in Annex A.
In addition to the formal consultation, we also held engagement events with a wide range of stakeholders including awarding organisations and colleges. The purpose of these events was to support awarding organisations in developing their approaches, and to identify and understand potential issues, and how these might be addressed.
The views expressed at these events were not formal consultation responses (although some of those attending may have separately responded to the consultation) and as such are not reported in this analysis document. We have considered both the responses to this consultation and the views expressed at consultation events when developing our final position.
Original consultation
Consultation description
We know that there is a need for clarity on the approach to assessing and awarding qualifications in the academic year 2021 to 2022 in line with the government’s intention that exams and assessments will take place.
In this joint consultation we set out the arrangements for assessing and awarding vocational and technical qualifications (VTQs) and other general qualifications in the academic year 2021 to 2022. These proposals are made in the context of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which has resulted in disruption to education during the current (2020 to 2021) and previous (2019 to 2020) academic years. Arrangements for GCSEs, AS and A levels are being consulted on in parallel.
In Part A of this consultation, the Department sets out its policy position and the scope of adaptations to assessments and qualifications that may be necessary to address the ongoing impact of the pandemic in the academic year 2021 to 2022. The Department is consulting on the equalities impacts of this policy.
In Part B of this consultation, Ofqual sets out the changes to its regulatory arrangements to implement the Department’s policy position, as set out in Part A of this consultation. Ofqual is consulting on the impact of changing the categorisation of qualifications in its regulatory framework and on minor updates to the drafting of that framework to reflect the context of the academic year 2021 to 2022. This will permit awarding organisations to continue to make adaptations to their qualifications and assessments.
Ofqual and the Department want to hear the views of students of all types of assessments and external exams, their employers, parents and carers, their teachers and trainers, college and school leaders and others who have an interest, including further and higher education providers.