Arun Valley flood risk management changes
Consultation description
The Environment Agency published its Lower Tidal River Arun Strategy (LTRAS) in 2014. This was following extensive technical studies and consultation.
LTRAS sets out how flood risk should be managed in the Lower Arun Valley between Pallingham Weir and Littlehampton for the next 100 years.
LTRAS split the area into 7 strategy units (SUs). Each have specific recommendations of how to manage the flood risk in that area. For strategy unit 1 (SU1), between Pallingham Weir and Pulborough, LTRAS found that it was uneconomic for the Environment Agency to continue its current flood risk management (FRM) activities. This was because there are so few houses at risk of flooding.
The Environment Agency plans to stop its FRM activities in SU1 (inspection and maintenance) by the end of 2021.
The Environment Agency wants your views on:
what impact it stopping its FRM activities in SU1 has on you
any alternative arrangements you will be putting in place when it stops its FRM activities in SU1
what you consider to be a reasonable notice period to allow you to put any alternative arrangements in place once the Environment Agency stops its FRM activities
any other issues or concerns you have in relation to this plan