AS and A level subject content for modern foreign languages with smaller cohorts
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Summary of the responses we received, along with the government’s response outlining the next steps.
Find out more about revised subject content for A levels.
Original consultation
Consultation description
We’d like your views on AS and A level subject content covering the following languages: Arabic, Bengali, Gujarati, Greek, modern Hebrew, Japanese, Panjabi, Persian, Portuguese, Polish, Turkish and Urdu.
New qualifications based on this content will be first taught in Autumn 2018.
The consultation focuses on:
the requirement to apply 3 skills in combination (listening, reading and writing), responding to spoken and written sources on common subjects
the proposed title of the content for this qualification: ‘modern foreign languages AS and A level (alternative content for languages with smaller cohorts)’
any disproportionate impact, positive or negative, on specific students, in particular those with ‘relevant protected characteristics’