Consultation outcome

Asbestos management in schools: DfE policy review

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
This consultation has concluded

Detail of outcome

We published the review of Department for Education policy on asbestos management in schools on 12 March 2015. The review includes findings from this call for evidence.

Original consultation


Call for evidence seeking views on asbestos management in schools.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

The Department for Education is reviewing its policy on asbestos management in schools and wants to hear opinions and ideas from anyone with an interest in this important subject.

In particular, we would like to hear from those that are involved in the day-to-day management of asbestos in schools, about their experiences and how they think DfE can support schools to fulfil their responsibilities.


Updates to this page

Published 31 January 2014
Last updated 20 March 2015 show all updates
  1. Added a link to the call for evidence's final outcome.

  2. First published.

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