Consultation outcome

Automatic enrolment: technical changes (2017)

This consultation has concluded

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Government response to the workplace pensions automatic enrolment miscellaneous regulations package 2017 consultation

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Detail of outcome

We published the government response to this consultation on 10 March 2017.

Original consultation


This is a consultation on proposed technical changes intended to simplify the automatic enrolment process and reduce burdens on employers.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

This consultation is seeking views on regulations to make 2 changes to the automatic enrolment process. The changes are for new employers due to become subject to automatic enrolment duties during 2017. They are:

  • a change to the automatic enrolment duties trigger set out in legislation for these new employers (known as post-staging employers)
  • extending to these employers the option to defer automatic enrolment for their workers (currently this is available only to employers in the staging profile)

This consultation is aimed at:

  • employers
  • trade unions
  • employee representatives
  • pension industry professionals, including scheme administrators, payroll administrators, accountants, payroll bureaux, independent financial advisers and employee benefit consultants


Technical changes to automatic enrolment: consultation on draft regulations (Feb 2017)

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Published 10 February 2017
Last updated 10 March 2017 + show all updates
  1. Published the government response to this consultation.

  2. First published.