Availability of gluten-free foods on NHS prescription
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Following its consultation on the availability of gluten-free foods on NHS prescription, the government has decided to restrict gluten-free prescribing to bread and mixes only. The majority of consultation responses were in favour of this.
The formal response document and accompanying impact assessment and equalities impact assessment provide the full rationale for our decision.
Original consultation
Consultation description
Gluten-free (GF) foods are available on prescription to patients diagnosed with gluten sensitivity, and have been since the late 1960s when their availability was extremely limited.
A wide range of GF foods is now readily available in supermarkets and other food outlets, meaning that the ability of patients to obtain these foods without a prescription has greatly increased.
Our consultation proposes options for restricting the availability of GF products on NHS prescription. We would value your views to help inform our work.