Benefits of drones to the UK economy
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The summary of responses and government decisions was released on 22 July 2017. The document:
- details information on responses including the:
- number of responses
- types of bodies and person responding
- overall results
- gives the next steps to be taken by government to:
- implement a registration scheme and mandatory competency tests for all users of drones weighing 250 grams and above
- bring forward work to create an authoritative source of UK airspace data, which will facilitate the implementation of geo-fencing and build greater awareness of airspace restrictions amongst drone users
- explore further measures such as increasing penalties, creating new offences and reviewing the powers available to law enforcement agencies to enforce relevant law
Original consultation
Consultation description
Consultation seeking views on ambition to realise the benefits drones can bring to the UK.
The changes suggest:
- creating the conditions for the cutting edge commercial use of drones to create hi tech jobs
- improve services and boost the economy
- addressing safety, security and privacy challenges and concerns that drones present
It puts forward a number of proposals
- to develop the UK’s policy and regulatory framework
- to keep pace with this fast emerging market,
- balancing the challenges appropriately without restricting the opportunity to ensure the global competitiveness
- innovation and technological investment
This consultation is on the civil use of drones; military use of drones is out of scope.
The Public dialogue on drone use in the UK was used to inform this consultation.