Boat registration charge proposals from 1 January 2022
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Detail of feedback received
We received 1,046 responses. Of those, 975 were through the consultation website and 71 by email or post.
The responses by customer group were:
- 977 from private individuals
- 13 on behalf of a commercial group
- 40 on behalf of another organisation
- 16 did not specify
We also received 105 emails with feedback that were not sent through the formal consultation route. We considered these comments with the formal responses.
Read the consultation response document and annex for the detail.
Original consultation
Consultation description
Our aim is for a consistent and transparent approach to how we charge for boat registration across all our waterways. We want a scheme which is fairer, works better for customers and provides the right contribution to the overall costs for the delivery of the navigation service.
We are consulting our boating customers (and other interested and affected parties) about:
- proposals for a revised boat registration charging framework
- a 3-year charging plan for 2022 to 2024
We are also seeking views on potential future changes that may affect these charges.
The proposals relate to the River Thames, Anglian Waterways and Upper Medway. We are the navigation authority for these waterways and set the charges for using or keeping boats on them.
We want to give our customers the opportunity to understand the proposals and the impact they will have. We’d like customers to give us their views before we implement the charges on 1 January 2022.
Updates to this page
We have published the consultation response: boat registration charges proposals from 1 January 2022 and the consultation response annex. We have linked to the national navigation boat charging schemes from 2022.
First published.