Consultation outcome

Bovine TB: improving testing in the High Risk Area of England

This consultation has concluded

Read the full outcome

Summary of responses

Detail of outcome

We received 48 responses to this call for views. We’ll use the responses to develop full proposals, which we will then consult on.

Original consultation


Options for changes to the TB testing of cattle herds in the High Risk Area of England.

This consultation was held on another website.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

We want to know what you think about our ideas for more effective TB testing of cattle herds in the High Risk Area of England. We aim to replace the current, complex testing system with one which is based more closely on risk.

This is a call for views and, depending on the comments we receive, a formal consultation may follow.

Published 30 August 2016
Last updated 16 December 2016 + show all updates
  1. Published the summary of responses.

  2. First published.