Breathing space scheme: consultation on a policy proposal
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
This document confirms the government’s policy design for the breathing space scheme, following consultation on a policy proposal. It sets out details such as who is eligible and how they enter the scheme as well as what support and protection it offers them. The details cover both elements:
the breathing space period for those in problem debt who are engaging with debt advice or for people receiving mental health crisis treatment
the Statutory Debt Repayment Plan which is a new debt solution for people who can repay their debts in full but over a longer time period
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation sets out a detailed policy proposal for a breathing space and statutory debt repayment plan (‘the plan’). It covers three, broad topics:
- eligibility criteria for entering breathing space and the plan
- protections of breathing space and the plan
- details of how the two policies would be administered, including funding of the scheme