Building a market for energy efficiency: call for evidence
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The summary of responses provides an overview of the main points raised by stakeholders to each of the 42 questions posed.
Government will use the information provided in the responses as it considers the development of future policy to encourage home energy efficiency. Further detail is set out in the Green Finance Strategy.
The call for evidence received 92 formal responses across a range of areas that included:
- the current state of the market, including rates of delivery of energy efficiency measures outside of government schemes and the remaining potential for measures. Most respondents agreed with our assessment of the current market, potential triggers for action, and customer segmentation
- an analysis of the current barriers to market growth, and lessons learned from previous attempts to stimulate the market. Most respondents agreed with the barriers we had identified, however some respondents identified further barriers
- a new proposed approach and set of principles for guiding that approach. Most respondents agreed with our principles and approach, and others provided further suggestions in line with these principles
- demand side measures for stimulating the market. Respondents provided views on potential policies, with some advocating stronger interventions
- supply side measures for stimulating the market. Respondents provided views on potential policies and set out further suggestions to maximise the effectiveness of these.
Original call for evidence
Call for evidence description
This call for evidence outlines a range of barriers to investment in energy efficiency on both the demand and supply side. It invites views about the role of government in overcoming barriers and stimulating the market through more direct interventions. Finally, it considers a range of potential solutions, many of which have been advocated by businesses and industry representatives.
The list is not exhaustive, and inclusion or exclusion should not be taken as an indication of government policy. We are gathering evidence on the widest range of options. Additional ideas are welcome, as are views about the relative impact of the ideas listed here, and how they might be implemented to best effect.
Although we focus mainly on the owner occupied sector, many of the ideas set out in the call for evidence could have a positive impact across all tenure types, and could also be applicable to micro or small enterprises, especially home-based businesses.